Intervju med mig!

Den fantastika second hand desingershoppen som jag har skrivet en del om här på bloggen, Style Sequel i London, skrev till mig att de hade sett mina inlägg om deras butik! 🙂 Jätteroligt tycker jag! Ännu roligare var att de ville göra en intervju med mig om hur jag ser på second hand shopping och skriva om mig och min blogg! 😀 Omnämnda i Harpers Bazzar, Elle och Vogue och med kunder från hela världen kändes som en stor ära att de ville skriva om lilla mig från Sverige! 🙂
Och här är ett litet utdrag:

1. Hi Eleonor. Do tell us why you love secondhand shopping so much? Is it a money saving thing for you, or is there more to it?

I love shopping second hand because it gives you the chance to find the rare gems that you missed out on and hidden treasures that are difficult to get a hold of. The money saving is of course a big part of it, who doesn’t love a bargain? But also helping the environment through buying second hand is very important to me.

2. What is the secondhand shopping scene like in Scandinavia? Is it very different (in your experience) to in other countries?

I was so happy when I found Style Sequel because it its hard to find the most sought after designer items second hand in Scandinavia. I’m sure there is a growing market for second hand designer clothing stores but I haven’t found anything similar to Style Sequel in Sweden. There are a lot of small secondhand boutiques that are great for vintage and retro styles, but if you are looking for contemporary and modern designs those are more difficult to find.

3. Do you shop mainly online for your second hand fashion?

Yes, I shop mainly online for all my fashion, both second hand and new. I love the luxury of trying things on in my own home and being able to see if my new finds fit in with the rest of my wardrobe. And who doesn’t love to receive an exiting parcel at their door! Searching online for the things you want and finding them at great prices is a bit like treasure hunting.

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